Are Dermal Fillers Safe?
May 09, 2019
Dermal Fillers are a products that are injected into the skin to ‘fill’ a wrinkle, line or skin depression. The wrinkle-smoothing effects of most dermal fillers are temporary and regular treatments are needed to maintain the effect. However they can have long term negative side effects. Read on to find out more.
There are different types of dermal fillers and they include:
- Collagen– suitable for deep lines and some scars. The effects last for about four to six months (common brand names - Collagen, Zyderm®, Zyplast®, CosmoPlast® and Cosmoderm®)
- Hyaluronic acid– suitable for thin surface lines, such as those that occur around the mouth and across the forehead. The effects last for about one year (common brand names - Restylane®, Perlane®, Dermalive®, Juvéderm®, Emervel®, Sub Q®, Esthelis® and Belotero®)
- Hyaluronan(is a form of hyaluronic acid) – suitable for deep lines and acne scars. This product can be used as an alternative for people who are allergic to collagen. The effects last for about six months (Common brand name - Hylaform®)
- Polylactic acid– suitable for skin depressions and deep lines. The polylactic acid prompts the treated skin to produce collagen (common brand names - Newfill®, Nufill® and Sculptra®)
- Polyacrylamide– suitable for deep lines. Once injected, the product forms a soft and permanent implant (common brand names - Aquamid®)
- Fat injections– fat tissue is taken from other areas of the body using a thin needle. The fat is sterilised and injected into the facial line or wrinkle. Effects can be long lasting. Touch-up injections may be needed in some cases. This treatment is also known as ‘microlipoinjection’.
The Side Effects of Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers disrupt sensation in areas of the skin injected. This can interfere with the way muscle moves and you detect sensation. Hence fillers can change the way your skin senses the environment.
Dermal fillers can also cause:
- Vascular occlusion – when filler is injected into or around an artery, blood flow may be reduced or stopped. Skin may look pale (blanched) and start to turn blue over a period of 24 hours. This is usually painful and if untreated, the skin may start to ‘die’ and turn black.
- Allergic reaction – if your body is sensitive to the synthethic substance injected.
- Inflammatory reactions – remember that you are entering a foreign substance into the body and it can irritate your immune system.
- Long term use results in weakness of the muscles of the face, head and neck, which can have undesirable effects on swallowing, vocal cord function and eye movements (double vision).
What to use instead of Dermal Fillers?
A good moisturiser that encourages your skin to heal, hydrates your skin and prevents transepidermal water loss. Organic Apoteke Rejuvenating Face Cream is designed to hydrate, rebuild and improve function of the skin. Dermal fillers may give quick results but a good moisturiser builds good skin for life.